Mr. Global Perspective

Currently, I am taking a class about Eastern European Politics. It's an elective for me, since to be honest I can't stand politics or Europe. Adding the both of them together was basically a sign for me to just fall asleep and turn in whatever work was assigned.

Now, normally in America, we tend to regard those that come from other countries as having an increased global perspective. They have, in fact, come from another country, and enter this stereotype with a lot of truth already. I have one of these students in my class, he comes from Zimbabwe. Let me start off by showing a few of the incredibly intelligent things that he has said in class so far.

  • Mugabe isn't as bad as people think
  • Why didn't Poland just overthrow the Nazis?
  • Why don't the citizens of China fix their government?
First of all, Robert Mugabe, has an awesome first name. Other than that, I must admit I didn't know much about him at all. Here is some information if you want to get caught up. Here's an article published this week about his recent endeavors. Let me summarize for those who don't have the patience. Here are two interesting paragraphs of the happenings in this "not so bad" guy's country.

The campaign has in the past few days seen MPs for the Movement for Democratic Change arrested for offences including playing music that "denigrates" Mugabe, and stealing a mobile phone. Fourteen MDC MPs and senators are facing charges ranging from corruption to rape. If convicted, they will lose their seats, forcing by-elections. Less than six months after MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai was sworn in as prime minister, the strategy again raises questions about the role of the country's courts and police.

Yesterday, many Zimbabweans were outraged after a court in Chivhu imposed a fine of just US$200 (£120) on Chinoona Mwanda - who had been found guilty of culpable homicide, after the 6 March incident when his lorry swerved into the path of Tsvangirai's car, killing Susan, his wife of 31 years.

Next, we have Mr. Global Perspective's opinion on the Nazi takeover of Poland. The conversation went something like this:

Professor: And now, the Nazi regime had moved in to Poland and taken it over.

Mr. Global: Why didn't the Polish people fight back?

Professor: . . . with what? This was a good portion of the Nazi army.

Mr Global: Why don't they just go to the Nazi HQ and attack it?

Professor: These people couldn't exactly put up a fight, the Nazis had automatic weapons, tanks, etc. The average Polish person didn't have these kinds of things at their disposal.

Mr Global: But if they were on farms they would have had tools like pitchforks to attack with.

Sadly, this is how the China conversation went as well. Mr. Global Perspective believes that any sort of regime, no matter how violent, ruthless, or large, can be toppled overnight by dissenting farmers.

I honestly have to wonder, why is he so convinced that the history that he is being taught didn't happen? Why, at every unhumanitarian issue, is it something that he believes could be averted by running headlong in to a military force with a pitchfork?

Really, if you're going to hold the fact that you have more experience with global matters over the heads of students that have never left their home-state, at least give what you have to say more than 0 seconds of internal thought before blurting it out as fact.